Author: Dr. Hashmi

Chronic, severe back pain interferes with almost every activity & this pain causes more loss of work than all other ailments combined. More ever the common cause for all this misery is considered “Trauma” or “Injury”. This trauma can be a sudden, twisting injury to the lower back. A blow to the area. A fall from a height in which you have a sudden compression of bones & disks in the spine. A sudden strain from lifting a heavy object. Or, it can result from any of a number of other dramatic events. Besides less dramatic forms of injury can…

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Herbal product for Arthritis herbal product Cure Arthritis Quickly relieve the pain 98% cure rate… Arthritis is inflammation of the joints. In many part of the world the disease is called rheumatism. It is named after the town where it first appeared. To the frustration of modern medical science the disease remains a mystery even today. Not a simple mystery either ‘arthritis’ is not just one disease. The word means ‘inflammation of the joints ‘, and it includes it its painful embrace over 100 distance disease forms. Arthritis may be mild swelling of a single joint, which yields easily to…

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Arthritis is bone and joint disorder which continues advancing if not checked by appropriate treatment. There are more than 100 different types of arthritis yet bringing on joint harm is one regular result of all of these. Ageing is a natural reason of arthritis which take place because of poor bone health or bone degeneration. With developing age, a man gets to be unable to keep his bones, muscles and ligaments healthy and bears with unstable, weak and stiff joints. Autoimmune disorder is one in which immune system gets baffled and along with dangerous cells kill healthy cells also and…

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Joint pain is extremely crippling and poses disappointing distress. It limits the body movement and exhausts a man’s working proficiency. Back shoulder and neck pain can even make resting troublesome. There are many causes of joint pain. Arthritis is the most mainstream and one of the most dangerous causes of joint pain. It can harm joints irrevocably and exact from the onset advances stiffness and pain. If this is not treated, it can even make joints totally motionless. Strenuous way of life is another of the significant reasons for joint pain. People in heavy jobs, sportsman, athletes, etc., amid their…

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Body moves and performs activities by twisting and extending from joints. These joints are formed and work through cartilages, ligaments, bones, synovial fluid and muscles. Body needs to keep bones, muscles and ligaments empowered and solid and synovial fluid infection free and acids crystals to permit joints to work easily and effortlessly. Because of developing age, health conditions, inadequacies, toxins and poor diet body can’t keep these joints and its organs solid and enduring which makes movements and performing activities troublesome. Frail joints and joints organs also likewise make a man physically powerless and lethargic. Joint Pain Pills are herbal…

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Joints are inclined to endure with agony, inflammation and solidness because of overuse, recurring movements, arduous activities, trauma, injuries and weight gain. These additionally get to be distinctly frail because of maturing and lazy way of life and cause agony and solidness. Arthritis is debilitating progressive disorder which exhausts joint health at fast rate and can even cause distortion and calmness. Herbal joint pain pills are extremely useful herbal joint pain treatment which restrain side effects of all these factors and keep joints painlessly movable and powerful. This herbal treatment for joint firmness protects organs of joints from maturing, arthritis…

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Osteoporosis is bone deformation which makes them powder-like, damaged and breakable. Women are most general victims of this disorder compared to men. Powder-like bones prompt to poor joints and continuous fractures; this disorder is bothersome and extremely weakening. Herbal medicines for osteoporosis are able of handling the problem because of any of these reasons. High sodium intake or inappropriate elimination of excess sodium from body because of kidney disorders or other reasons additionally prompts to osteoporosis. Utilization of herbal medicines for osteoporosis gives sound and solid bones, powerful joints, and stronger muscles and keeps up movement and posture of body.…

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Rheumatoid arthritis or RA is a standout amongst the most widely recognized types of arthritis. This takes place because of rheumatism in which body’s immune system in charge for expelling harmful and dead cells from body begins assaulting healthy cells wrongly and kills them to cause weakness in tissues and organs. This condition is mainly harsh over joints as it affects muscular strength, bone density, tendons, ligaments, it additionally degenerate discs between vertebra and pose issues in back or back arthritis. RA makes joints red, swollen, firm and painful and slowly disfigured and motionless, it also harms bones and twists…

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Shoulder is ball and socket joint which is formed by three bones scapula, neckline bone and upper arm bone. The head of upper arm bone dwells in a shallow socket formed by scapula or shoulder blade. Synovial fluid and cartilages present in the socket permit smooth movement of head of upper arm bone to permit shoulder joint movement. Each of the three bones forming the joint is bound by powerful ligaments keeping up joint alignment and whole shoulder joint is covered by tissues in a capsule. Frozen shoulder is a condition which causes pain and decreased range of shoulder movement,…

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Back pain could take place to any person of all ages. On an average it happens to people who experience heavy physical effort that asks for lifting something heavy more than one’s own capability, or sitting, strolling, standing in one position for longer hours and day by day. This is why patients of back pain are expanding quickly because most people have sitting jobs at place of work and they have completely no physical work the entire day that could keep up the blood circulation. Also after crossing a definite age invites this issue. Those who get harmed seriously and/or…

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