The knee is one of the strongest joints in the body, absorbing significant force every time we walk, run, or engage in physical activities. Studies show that your knees bear about 1 times your body weight while walking, and this force can increase 2 to 3 times your body weight while climbing stairs. It’s no surprise that over time, knee pain becomes a common complaint, and in severe cases, it can be debilitating. Along with maintaining a healthy weight, applying acupressure on specific points of the body can help in alleviating knee pain. Here are seven acupressure points that can soothe your aching knees.
1. Calf’s Nose Point
This point is located just below the kneecap on the outer side of both legs. Using your fingers, gently massage the spot in a circular motion for 3 to 5 minutes. Apply firm but gentle pressure. Regularly massaging this point can help relieve muscle stiffness and arthritis.
2. Three Mile Point
This point is about 2 inches below the kneecap and 1 cm away from the shinbone. Apply pressure here with your index and middle fingers for 5 minutes. You can stimulate this point on both legs at the same time or separately. This acupressure technique helps strengthen the whole body.
3. Nourishing Valley Point
Located at the back of the kneecap, on the inner edge of the knee crease, this point is in the hollow between the tendons. Apply pressure here for 5 to 7 minutes by moving your fingers up and down. Repeat for 3 to 5 times a day for faster results. This point helps relieve knee pain and also addresses abdominal pain and genital disorders.
4. Shady Side of Mountain Point
This point is situated on the inner side of your legs, just above the shinbone, below the bulge. Apply pressure with your index and middle fingers for 8 to 10 minutes. This acupressure helps with knee swelling, cramps, water retention, and varicose veins. Release the pressure every 2 minutes and repeat the process.
5. Sunny Side of Mountain Point
You can find this point on the front side of the leg, just below the kneecap, at the head of the shinbone. Use one or two fingers to apply pressure for 3 to 4 minutes. You can activate points on both legs at once or one by one. This technique helps relieve muscle tension.
6. Commanding Activity Point
This point is located at the back of the leg, on the outer edge of the knee crease when you bend the knee. Gently massage this area for 10 minutes using your thumb or index finger to ease knee stiffness.
7. Commanding Middle Point
Located in the middle of the knee crease, just behind the kneecap, this point can be massaged lightly for 5 minutes regularly to help reduce muscle stiffness in the knee.
By regularly applying pressure on these acupressure points, you can find relief from knee pain and stiffness. These simple techniques not only help ease discomfort but also promote overall well-being.
Important Note:
Always consult your doctor or healthcare professional before making significant changes to your health routine. They can provide personalized guidance based on your medical history and current health condition.
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